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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some are lucky. They take meds for a particular condition. Period. Others not so much. Why?

Some are lucky. They take meds for a particular condition. Period. Others not so much. Why?

Well some take blood thinners so they don't get blood clots but then they take the risk of being a bleeder and dying from  that so they take meds for that. At least that is what I think happens. Do any of you take blood thinners only or do you also have to take some kind of clotter so you don't bleed to death? Anyway if you are faced with conditions like that you have my sincere condolences. Balancing life or death by properly balancing meds to control them must be scary.

Posted - April 22, 2019


  • 2706
    I'm thankful and blessed that I don't have to take medication of any kind. Except for a couple of aspirin on occasion for lower back pain. I do take certain vitamins and minerals to help keep my blood and system healthy. :)
      April 22, 2019 9:22 AM MDT